Napkin Math

Business breakdowns, by the numbers.

Napkin Math

How a Climate Tech Startup Closed 5+ Enterprise Deals Before Even Launching

Remora, The Bureaucracy Buster

Aug 20, 2021 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Who is Making Money in Space?

Exploring the SPAC Frontier

Oct 14, 2021 by Evan Armstrong and Ryan Duffy

Napkin Math

Crash: Pitch a Company, Get a Job

Candidates earn jobs by putting in more work than their competition

Jun 10, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

3 Thoughts On Justworks

The newest SaaS company to hit the public markets

2 Jan 13, 2022 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Can the Truly Moral Billionaire Please Stand Up?

My quest to find Jesus Christ with a Gulfstream

5 Apr 11, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

iBuy, iRent, iLose My Investors Money

The Murky Future of American Housing

Nov 19, 2021 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The Future of Netflix

When everyone’s a streamer, nobody is.

Feb 17, 2022 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

A Tale Of Two Acquisitions

The Unity Conundrum

Aug 12, 2022 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

First Steps to Buy A School Bus Company

Last week I pitched the idea of buying a school bus operator. This week I tell you how to do it.

Sep 9, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

New York Times: Investing In The Long Term

A review of the Q2 earnings: growth in digital subscriptions, a fall in advertising, and a decline in APRU due to long-term investing.

Aug 7, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Your Uncle Is Still Your Uncle: Ant Pulls Its IPO

Ant's IPO has been taken down. What happened, what do you need to know and what should we expect to see next?

Nov 6, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Microsoft’s Boring but Profitable Future

The PC giant is making Windows exciting again

3 🔒 May 23, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Finance is Broken But Don’t Worry, This Has Happened Before

Net Income and the Refactoring of Our Financial Ideology

Jun 17, 2021 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The Obituary

The brand couldn’t compete against Amazon, but the acquihire was worth it for Walmart

May 29, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

A Local News Revival

How product, marketing, and cost innovations create a massive opportunity

Jan 30, 2021 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

The Rise of the Content Capitalist

In Practice Beta V2

1 Aug 15, 2021 by Evan Armstrong

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Some Things I Know (And Some Things I Don’t)

What have I learned from two years of writing?

🔒 Apr 23, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Top 12 Creator Platforms—Ranked

Who has the brawn to capture creator’s profit?

1 Nov 13, 2021 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Can Anyone Compete With Meta’s New AI Model?

Zuckerberg’s open-source gambit could burst the AI hype—or save it

1 🔒 Jul 25, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

In Practice: My Newest Beta Product

Come take an early peak at the future

Jul 2, 2021 by Evan Armstrong