Evan Armstrong


Reformed venture capitalist and strategist. Now slinging words for a living.

Napkin Math

Can Anyone Compete With Meta’s New AI Model?

Zuckerberg’s open-source gambit could burst the AI hype—or save it

1 🔒 Jul 25, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Vibes Are a Legitimate Economic Indicator

In her debut book, Kyla Scanlon makes the case for feeling the numbers

Jul 23, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

A New Book of the Startup Bible

It’s the rare business book that you should actually read

5 Jul 18, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

What I Got Wrong About VR

Whoopsie, I may have gotten a little excited

Jul 16, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Searching for Signal

When building a startup gets hard, where should we turn?

5 Jul 11, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Paramount’s Dilemma: Content Isn’t King—Distribution Is

Half a century removed from its glory days, the Hollywood giant has a new rescue plan

1 Jul 9, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

You Can’t Math Your Way to Success

Whether in art, startups, or parenting, you can only control so much

3 Jun 21, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The AGI-in-2027 Thesis

Some researchers are convinced that we are on the cusp of superintelligence. Are they right?

3 Jun 13, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Apple’s AI Evolution: Built-in AI, Supercharged Siri, and Ecosystem Lock-in

Maybe the new world is the same as the old

Jun 11, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

AI Is Transforming the Nature of the Firm

By reducing transaction costs, AI will reshape how companies operate and interact

Jun 4, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The Art of Scaling Taste

How MSCHF turns irreverent ideas into a real business

6 May 30, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Microsoft’s Boring but Profitable Future

The PC giant is making Windows exciting again

3 🔒 May 23, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Google Goes All In on AI

The company has every possible advantage, but can they use it?

🔒 May 15, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Chain of Thought

GPT-4o and OpenAI’s Race to Win Consumers

Decoding what the AI leader’s latest release means for the future

🔒 May 14, 2024 by Dan Shipper and Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Patreon Should Buy Substack to Save Creators

The solution to the problem of social media is to build something better

7 May 9, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The Right Kind of Asshole

A founder’s personality can differentiate them—or destroy them

4 May 7, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The AI Hardware Dilemma

Why new devices are flopping—and how they might succeed

1 May 2, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The AI Wars Have Begun

OpenAI, Meta, and the $120 billion battle for the future of intelligence

🔒 Apr 30, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Some Things I Know (And Some Things I Don’t)

What have I learned from two years of writing?

🔒 Apr 23, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Don’t Dismiss the Apple Vision Pro

Apple has a hit on its hands. Will it seize the opportunity?

2 Apr 18, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Distribution Is King

What video games can teach us about building billion-dollar companies

3 Apr 16, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

Can the Truly Moral Billionaire Please Stand Up?

My quest to find Jesus Christ with a Gulfstream

5 Apr 11, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

How I Use ChatGPT (As A Reasonable Person)

My AI awakening

Apr 4, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

The One-person Billion-dollar Company

Can AI agents make you a billionaire?

1 Apr 3, 2024 by Evan Armstrong

Napkin Math

What Are AI Agents—And Who Profits From Them?

The newest wave of AI research is changing everything

6 Mar 28, 2024 by Evan Armstrong