
Get smarter about business strategy.


Why Content is King

How media creates power

5 Dec 18, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


How to Write Essays That Spread

Everything I’ve learned about writing on the internet

7 Feb 15, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


A New Kind of Startup is Coming

Smaller, faster, cheaper, weirder

1 Apr 19, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Inside the Clubhouse

The surprisingly compelling audio app that has consumed my life

Apr 24, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Complexity Convection

The lifecycle of a business is to be born simple, grow complex, and then die.

Jul 24, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


DALL·E 2 and The Origin of Vibe Shifts

By Means of Natural Selection

1 Apr 22, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Roam’s road ahead

How the tool for networked thought can grow into its $200m valuation

Sep 18, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Did Medium Succeed?

The past, present, and future of writing on the internet

Jul 13, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Supercharging My Focus (with Help from AI)

GPT-powered journaling is changing my life

Mar 22, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Instagram can’t recreate TikTok’s Magic

The content format is a red herring. What really matters is the structure and purpose of TikTok’s network, which is antithetical to Instagram.

Aug 24, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Substack’s Ideology

The point isn’t just to make money—it’s to change the systems that human attention flows through. You can’t understand Substack without understanding this.

2 Mar 16, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Writing as Strategy

Five lesser-known benefits of thinking out loud

Jan 11, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Robo-Coaches Are Here

How I learned to stop worrying and love the robots that tell me what to do

2 May 3, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Bundle Magic

How to make 1 + 1 = 3

1 Apr 16, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Beware Flavored Software

If you’re building the tech equivalent of balsamic strawberry ice cream, don’t expect vanilla scale

1 Jan 4, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


LLMs are the new CPUs

…but is OpenAI the new Intel?

2 Mar 15, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Execution is Exponential

The math that quantifies how much execution matters

1 Aug 10, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


OpenAI: the Next Tech Giant?

Reading the tea leaves and reacting to the hype

1 Mar 29, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Finding Power

An introduction to Clay Christensen’s most underrated idea: “The Conservation of Modularity”

6 May 4, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Instagram’s Existential Bet

They’re betting the farm on Reels. Will it blow up in their face?

1 Jul 27, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Will HEY Work?

The dust has settled. Now what?

Jun 26, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Twitter is Fragmenting

People want to be fragmented now

8 Apr 12, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


How Lex Happened

25,000 users in 24 hours

4 Oct 19, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


How Physics Explains Business

Physics metaphors are everywhere in business. If you follow where they lead, you end up in fascinating places

Jan 18, 2023 by Nathan Baschez


Intelligent Tools

A third revolution in software is happening, and we’re just beginning to understand it.

1 Aug 31, 2022 by Nathan Baschez