
Get smarter about business strategy.


A Post-Mortem for Social Podcast Discovery

Three reasons why RSS still dominates in audio, but not text.

4 Feb 5, 2021 by Nathan Baschez


How Valuation Works

A guide to the “right way” (discounted cash flow analysis), and why “everything is dumb right now.”

1 Nov 4, 2021 by Nathan Baschez and Eric Thompson


Your actual competition

A guide to Porter’s “Five Forces” framework—through the lens of Spotify

Jan 16, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


What good is strategy right now?

A conflict of interest

Jun 5, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Elon is Right: Twitter Should Open Up the Algorithm

Commoditizing tweets’ complement (the algorithm) will increase usage and rebuild trust

3 Apr 15, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


My Philosophy of Product Building (Part III)

On launching and learning

Dec 7, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Twitter’s Longform Strategy

What does the future hold for readers and writers on Twitter?

5 Aug 20, 2021 by Nathan Baschez


Why Sh*t is Hitting the Fan

How the Fed accidentally scuttled your Series B, simply explained

1 May 12, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Strategy should be painful

Businesses plateau for two reasons: Their strategy is wrong (Wrong Strategy Syndrome) They fail to execute any strategy at all (Fuzzy Strat

Jul 11, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Why I Love Working at Startups

A friendly rebuttal

3 May 21, 2021 by Nathan Baschez


The Four Strategies

How to understand the essence of any business

Feb 11, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


My Philosophy of Product Building (Part II)

Building your v1

Nov 30, 2022 by Nathan Baschez


Disrupting Disruption

Strategy’s most famous theory could be wrong

Jul 19, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Product Case Study: HEY

A radical new take on email

Jul 3, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


The Three Systems Beneath Network Effects

An exclusive excerpt from a16z general partner Andrew Chen’s new book, The Cold Start Problem

Dec 6, 2021 by Nathan Baschez and Andrew Chen


How Competition Works

It’s not like war, but it’s not like art class, either.

Dec 17, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


Why is Netflix more profitable than Spotify?

Three Shorts — April 2nd, 2020

Apr 2, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


The Market Wedge: How to Pick Your Initial Market

How and why early-stage startups sacrifice growth for power

Sep 30, 2021 by Nathan Baschez and Eric Thompson


Dominance Friction

Jesse Beyroutey, partner at IA Ventures, on why some companies achieve dominance while others get bogged down.

Mar 5, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez


How Power Works in Venture Capital

Is being Sequoia actually pretty easy?

Sep 7, 2021 by Nathan Baschez


The two biggest critiques of web3, analyzed

With a little help from Clay Christensen, strategy legend

Nov 12, 2021 by Nathan Baschez


Strategy Smells

Hints that your strategy isn't working

Sep 4, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Notion’s $2b Valuation is Sensible, Probably

Three Shorts: Notion, Roam, and “Time Preference”

Apr 10, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


How creators can go “on tour” on the internet

Growing an audience ain’t what it used to be

May 9, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Why I like Dispo

David Dobrik’s new photo-sharing app just might be a winner.

3 Feb 20, 2021 by Nathan Baschez