Nathan Baschez


President of Everything!


Brianne Kimmel’s Momentum Investing

How the founder of WorkLife Ventures built one of Silicon Valley’s most sought after emerging funds from scratch.

Jan 20, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Your actual competition

A guide to Porter’s “Five Forces” framework—through the lens of Spotify

Jan 16, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Sahil’s Second Act (audio edition)

Hello again! Yesterday after I published the Sahil Lavingia interview I received a tweet from my friend Alex:

Jan 10, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Sahil’s Second Act

Gumroad’s founder shares what he’s learned about strategy, product, and growth.

Jan 9, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


“The value chain” is the DNA of business

An introduction to one of Michael Porter’s most enduring frameworks

Jan 8, 2020 by Nathan Baschez


Trade-offs are your friend

You probably can't have your cake and eat it too. But that's just fine.

Dec 31, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


Ben Gilbert on how Acquired launched their paid podcast

It’s weird, but in some ways, side projects require better strategy than regular businesses. They’re so easy to quit. Even if you love it, y

Dec 19, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


How Competition Works

It’s not like war, but it’s not like art class, either.

Dec 17, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


Strategy Drunk

A little Learning is a dang'rous Thing;Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring:There shallow Draughts intoxicate the Brain,And drinking

Dec 15, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


Introducing Divinations

A new conduit for knowledge of business strategy

Dec 12, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


Competitive Strategy, by Michael Porter

The "Divinations" Summary / Review

2 Dec 12, 2019 by Nathan Baschez


The Library

All reviews of books, podcasts, articles, etc

Dec 12, 2019 by Nathan Baschez