Divinations Podcast #004 - On Quibi

This week on the Divinations podcast, Adam Keesling and I are interviewed by our pal Dan Shipper about our Quibi prediction piece!

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One Good Quote

At minute 10, Dan asked us what it was like to try Quibi for the first time after spending days writing a contrarian essay arguing they’d succeed.

I said:

Yeah, I mean it was terrifying. [nervous laughter] I really didn’t want it to suck but I also didn’t want to go into it biased. It’s a funny illustration of how you judge something when you’re obviously biased and you know you’re biased. Do you trust your gut reaction? You get all mixed up and it’s not a natural way to try a new thing. Frankly, I didn’t even really trust my opinion of the shows or the app design because I’m either being to harsh on it because I’m over-correcting, or I’m being too positive because I’m just going with my confirmation bias. That’s why I wanted to write the article before it came out.

In This Episode

  • Minute 1–7: We tell the story of how we ended up changing our minds about Quibi in the process of writing the article.
  • Minute 7–9: Why Quibi raised so much money, and what it’ll take for them to generate a good return for their investors.
  • Minute 9–12: What it was like to use the app for the first time, after we’d spent days writing and researching a contrarian bull take.
  • Minute 12–23: Dan introduces a new segment! It’s called “stick or switch?” In light of the news that Quibi only had 300k downloads on the first day, do Adam and I stick with our prediction? Or switch to the bear side?
  • Minute 23-31: Why do people hate Quibi?
  • Minute 31–37: Has Quibi become a habit for us? Adam watches in the morning at breakfast, Nathan watches at night before bed.


PS — Want to try Quibi but not sure what to watch? Our recommended shows are I Believe, The Shape of Pasta, and The Most Dangerous Game.

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