Adam Keesling


Napkin Math

How Costco Convinces Brands to Cannibalize Themselves

An unlikely marriage where both sides win

3 Jul 15, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

The Future of Fitness: lululemon Buys Mirror

Why subscription hardware is better than hardware, the cross-selling opportunity, how Mirror could lead to a connected home, and why Mirror is a call option for Lululemon.

Jul 8, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Why MasterClass Isn’t Really About Mastery

And other lessons from a 9-figure edtech startup

Jul 1, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Why Software is More Profitable Than Content

Written by... a content company

Jun 24, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Explaining the Hertz Situation

A layman’s guide to bankruptcy

Jun 18, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Crash: Pitch a Company, Get a Job

Candidates earn jobs by putting in more work than their competition

Jun 10, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

Curated: Expert Shopping Advice, Online

A three-sided marketplace to bring specialty retail to the internet

1 Jun 3, 2020 by Adam Keesling

Napkin Math

The Obituary

The brand couldn’t compete against Amazon, but the acquihire was worth it for Walmart

May 29, 2020 by Adam Keesling


How Domino’s Stock Returned 4,595%

The original cloud kitchen, ten years before it was cool

May 15, 2020 by Adam Keesling