Dan Shipper


Chain of Thought

Live Workshop: Fine Tuning AI on Your Favorite Writer’s Voice

Learn to get AI to write like your favorite writer, from start to finish

🔒 Mar 3, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Workshop: Learn to Write With AI

ChatGPT, GPT-3, and Lex as powerful tools in the writing process

🔒 Feb 17, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Writing Essays With AI: A Guide

We should take AI seriously as a creative tool—here's how

4 Feb 17, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Bonus: Chatbot Sample Code and Metrics Updates

For paying subscribers only

2 🔒 Feb 12, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

How to Build a Chatbot with GPT-3

A step-by-step guide

2 🔒 Feb 10, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

This VC Is Slowly Automating His Job

How Yohei Nakajima uses GPT-3 to eliminate repetitive tasks

2 Feb 3, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Permission to Be Excited About AI

Skepticism, curiosity, and the Current Thing

2 Jan 27, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Can GPT-3 Explain My Past and Tell My Future?

I loaded journal entries from the past 10 years into GPT-3—and started asking it questions

9 Jan 20, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Code for GPT-3 Journal Summarizer

Access the code samples here.

🔒 Jan 19, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

GPT-3 Is the Best Journal I’ve Ever Used

My slow and steady progression to living out the plot of the movie 'Her'

16 Jan 13, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Access to our Science Chat Bot

Use it and download the source code

15 🔒 Jan 8, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

The End of Organizing

How GPT-3 will turn your notes into an *actual* second brain

12 Jan 6, 2023 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Here’s What I Saw at an AI Hackathon

AI gossip, celebrity sightings, tech trends—and some great projects

1 Dec 20, 2022 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

I Built an AI Chatbot Based on My Favorite Podcast

Here’s how I built it and what I learned about the future

14 Dec 16, 2022 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Artificial Unintelligence

Returning risky results is a dimension of performance for AI models

Dec 10, 2022 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Linus Lee Is Living With AI

How a researcher uses generative AI to help him think better and get more done

1 Dec 3, 2022 by Dan Shipper


The End of Effective Altruism?

Success has many philosophical bedfellows; frauds have none

Nov 18, 2022 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

AI and the Age of the Individual

When intelligence is cheap individuals win

Nov 11, 2022 by Dan Shipper

Chain of Thought

Generative AIs Narrow the Taste Gap

Musings from the frontier of AI and the written word

1 Nov 4, 2022 by Dan Shipper


Fear, Courage, and Willingness

How to walk the path to fearlessness

Sep 24, 2022 by Dan Shipper


Creative Extravagance

Throw some stuff against the wall and see what sticks

Sep 9, 2022 by Dan Shipper


When Productivity Tools Make the Problem Worse

You’re using your todo list for something deeper than tasks

Sep 2, 2022 by Dan Shipper


Why You Keep Doing Productivity Systems That Don’t Work

And how to do something new

Aug 20, 2022 by Dan Shipper


The Unreasonable Effectiveness of 1-1 Learning

How to learn anything 98% better than average

Aug 6, 2022 by Dan Shipper


You Grow from Your Edges

A review of Standing at the Edge

Jul 26, 2022 by Dan Shipper