Dan Shipper



The Science of Productivity Cycles

Why we get tired of our workspaces, and why new environments stimulate productivity

Sep 3, 2020 by Dan Shipper

Talk Therapy

#25 - Behind the scenes of our first ad deal

Nathan and Dan talk to Brian McCullough, host of the Techmeme Ride Home podcast, about how the ad deal in last week’s Bundle Digest came abo

Sep 2, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez


How the Head of Growth at Superhuman Does His Email

Gaurav Vohra on how he uses focus and flow to find order in the chaos of his work life

Aug 29, 2020 by Dan Shipper

Talk Therapy

#24 - Are we a tech or media company?

Dan and Nathan discuss productivity cycles, the latest version of Sparkle, Dan’s file management system, and how they relate to Nathan’s new

Aug 28, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#23 - Designing our visual identity

We’re launching a new series to bring you along the journey of figuring out Every’s visual identity! The first episode (which is longer tha

Aug 26, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#22 - A behind-the-scenes look into a media deal ft. Li Jin

Li Jin, who co-hosts Means of Creation with Nathan, comes on the show to discuss the economics of her partnership with Every. How did you

Aug 21, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#21 - What’s the right kind of bad?

In a follow-up to their conversation with executive coach Brian Wang last episode, Dan and Nathan discuss addressing small pain points — bot

Aug 19, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#20 - Couples therapy ft. executive coach Brian Wang

Brian Wang joins Nathan and Dan on a special episode that’s longer than usual! Brian’s an executive coach who helps founders with the emoti

Aug 14, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#19 - What should we do with our weekly digest?

Nathan and Dan talk through the experiments they’ve run with the weekly Sunday digests and what they’re going to try next. Here’s the link t

Aug 12, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez


The CEO with an Empty Calendar

How the founder of Doist manages a team of 80 without meetings

2 Aug 11, 2020 by Dan Shipper

Talk Therapy

#18 - How do we decide what to publish?

Nathan and Dan discuss how they test for what kind of content resonates. P.S. — Here’s the essay on Oatly’s marketing by Nat Eliason just p

Aug 7, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#17 - How should we compensate creators?

Nathan and Dan discuss how a new kind of media business model requires them to rethink how to fairly compensate writers for the bundle. Ho

Aug 5, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#16 - Should you follow your heart?

Nathan and Dan discuss his latest Superorganizers essay on the framework he developed to help him follow his heart — and filter for the best

Jul 31, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#15 - Maker weeks & feedback loops

Two things today: First, a bit of follow-up from last episode. We’re alternating weeks where one of us is in “maker mode” and the other is i

Jul 24, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#14 - Focus pocus

As the Everything bundle grows, Nathan’s focus seems to have disappeared. Dan helps him troubleshoot, and by the end of the episode, we deci

Jul 22, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#13 - Disruption and its discontents

Dan interviews Nathan about his forthcoming series of Divinations essays that explore critiques of the traditional theory of disruption. In

Jul 17, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#12 - It’s Disruption Week!! (part 1)

Dan and Nathan are both writing about Clay Christensen’s iconic theory of disruption, so we decided the second week of July every year is go

Jul 15, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#11 - Two entrepreneurs and a journalist walk into a podcast

Today, Dan and Nathan welcome guest Alex Kantrowitz to Talk Therapy! (This is a special episode that’s twice as long as usual!) Alex left hi

Jul 10, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#10 - Escaping the trough of writing sorrow

Dan and Nathan commiserate over their writing slump and strategize how to escape it. Meanwhile, Adam’s essay hits the top of Hacker News! T

Jul 9, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#9 - Tech vs Media hits a new low

Why is there so much animosity between the tech industry and journalists? Dan and Nathan try to sort through the muck.

Jul 3, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#8 - The model was actually right!

Four months ago, when we only had a couple hundred paying subscribers, Adam Keesling made a financial model that predicted we’d have 1,462 c

Jul 1, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#7 - The Last Chip with Chris Bosh

Dan and Nathan talk about helping Chris Bosh launch a newsletter: The Last Chip.

Jun 23, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#6 - Art vs. Science

Dan and Nathan discuss the art and science of starting a newsletter business. And how they’re probably more on the art side than you might g

Jun 20, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#5 - The Results

Dan and Nathan look back on how the Tiago Forte launch went, and learn an important lesson: before you start troubleshooting, make sure the

Jun 16, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#4 - Adding Tiago Forte to the Bundle

Dan and Nathan discuss adding Tiago Forte to the Everything bundle, and take bets on how the launch will go. Click here to read the transcri

Jun 15, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez