How to lead when you don’t have control
Why and how I ran a search fund
Everything we published this week
The reinvention of X
Maybe Elon should buy it
And why it’s so hard
Why white-knuckling your way through life doesn't work
An interview with the creator of Meta's 'teens team' Michael Sayman
Bespoke apps for everyone—customized by AI
Free your mind from the Efficient Market Hypothesis
An interview with researcher Dr. Eiko Fried
Approach your life as the ultimate project—and you're in charge
What makes great interactions feel right?
Lessons on goal maximization from machine learning
Get in, loser—we’re disrupting Oracle
The future of social networks is in smaller communities
What’s valuable—and why—in an AI-driven world
The primacy of facts over feelings is a myth
A review of Superhuman AI
The burden of missed expectations
A close look at the breakthroughs in mixed reality tech