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More about Every

There is more business writing on the internet than a single mind can fathom. Much of it is amazing, but as we all sadly know, there’s a lot that is… not. We’re all burned and burdened by the glut of “think pieces,” advertorials, and hastily composed posts that don’t reach for nuance or complexity. 

To write something great about business, you have to know about business, and you need to be able to write about it in a compelling way. Unfortunately, the number of people who can do both is vanishingly small.

Luckily, at Every, we're dedicated to publishing writing from thinkers in that small intersection. We are fascinated by business, technology, and the psychology of work—and everyone who writes for us has the combination of startup experience and writing skill to help you learn about those topics effectively.

Every day we publish in-depth essays and analysis from the most interesting operators in tech covering two major subjects: business and productivity.

Our business coverage:

  • Business strategy fundamentals — how businesses build power in markets
  • Company case studies — breaking down the performance of public and private technology companies
  • Industry analysis — coverage of new and emerging trends in tech from crypto, to the creator economy, to space, and beyond

Our productivity coverage:

  • Productivity interviews — actionable interviews with high-performers like Seth Godin and Andrew Wilkinson on the systems and processes they use to organize their work
  • Longform essays from operators — packed with tools, tips, and ideas for optimizing your mental and emotional fitness 

A sampling of our best articles from the archive

Strategy Breakdowns

Company and Industry Analysis

Tech Culture and Opinion


Productivity Interviews:

Essays on Optimizing your Mental and Emotional Fitness

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