Why You’re Not Doing Creative Work & More!

Here's everything we published this week!


Knowledge Partner: McKinsey & Company

Employee experience matters. The Great Resignation forced organizations to take a hard look at their relationships with those without whom their businesses would not operate: their employees. What can organizations do to show they care? Explore ways to lead with empathy, empower staff to live their purpose, and more with curated reads on how to improve the employee experience. 

Happy Sunday!

In case you missed it, this week we launched a new pop-up podcast called Tokens, But How?. It's show about how to build token-based products hosted by Sari Azout and Joey DeBruin.

They're two founders looking to build their own tokens, and in each episode they'll talk to experts in web3 who can help them (and you) learn the what, why, and how of creating a one. Interested? Listen to the first episode, or press follow to make sure you get notified of future episodes:

Now on to everything we published this week!

Why You're Not Doing Creative Work

Dan Shipper / Superorganizers

We all hope to be doing more creative work—whether it's writing a novel, producing a screenplay, or putting together a strategy memo.

So then why is it so hard to make time for? Why is it that other work tasks, and life responsibilities seem to constantly be getting in the way. And how can we fix it? Dan explores in the latest Superorganizers essay.


Tokenomics 102: Digging Deeper on Token Supply

Nat Eliason / Almanack

How can you know if a token is a good investment? One way to attack that complicated question is by taking a deep look at the supply-side. If you understand how the quantity of tokens available will change over time, you can get a sense of how the health (and future value) of a project will evolve.

For that and more, dive in to Nat's latest essay.


Ethereum Explained

Li Jin & Nathan Baschez / Means of Creation

You've heard of Ethereum, but can you actually explain it from the ground up? What is it? How does it work? And why does it matter?

That's the topic of this week's Means of Creation. Li and Nathan are joined by Preethi Kasireddy, founder of DappCamp, and author of How Does Ethereum Actually Work Anway—one of the most well-regarded primers on Ethereum.

Her deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience makes her the perfect guest for this episode.


That's all for this week! See you next Sunday.

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