#11 - Two entrepreneurs and a journalist walk into a podcast

Today, Dan and Nathan welcome guest Alex Kantrowitz to Talk Therapy! (This is a special episode that’s twice as long as usual!)

Alex left his job at Buzzfeed earlier this year to build an independent media business centered on his own reporting.

Yesterday, his first big piece came out:


Since this was a critical piece about a tech company, we thought it’d be fun to have Alex on Talk Therapy to bring a journalist’s perspective to the whole “tech vs media” discussion we’ve been having.

Towards the end, Alex said a thing that resonated with us:

“Journalists aren’t supposed to be friends with businesses. They’re there as a check… But it doesn’t mean that people need to hate each other, or that they’re out to get each other.”

If you liked this conversation, you’ll love Alex’s new podcast Big Technology. Subscribe here.

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