Every illustration. Photo: Sarah Halliday.

Introducing ‘AI & I’

How to use AI to think, create, and relate


TLDR: We’re renaming my show, How Do You Use ChatGPT?, to AI & I. It’s a different name but the same great show. Watch the trailer on YouTube or Spotify, and if you haven’t seen or listened to it yet, check out past episodes on YouTube or Spotify. And stay tuned for a new episode next week with bestselling author Steven Berlin Johnson.

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AI is the best test of what would happen if we all got magical powers.

Most of us would ignore them. 

Except some people are learning to harness these powers. They’re using AI to code, to think, to write, to build businesses, to make art, to learn anything they want to learn. But how are they doing this?

That’s what I’ve been documenting every week for the last six months in my show, How Do You Use ChatGPT? I’ve talked to 20-plus guests, including LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, economist Tyler Cowen, a16z’s Steph Smith, and the New York Times’s Kevin Roose. They screen-shared with me through their actual ChatGPT chats so we could see how they’re using it in their work and in their lives.

It’s been a wild ride. The show has been played almost 70,000 times on Spotify and has received almost 200,000 views on YouTube. It’s now consistently a top 50 technology podcast in the U.S. And I’ve learned more about AI—and about myself—than I thought I ever would.

I’ve loved the name How Do You Use ChatGPT? It’s specific. It makes a legible promise to listeners. But it’s also a little limiting. ChatGPT is the AI product I’m most excited about—and that I use most often—but our guests often end up showing much more than just ChatGPT. I wanted to find a name that reflects how the show has expanded as it has evolved and grown over the last few months.

So, today, I’m excited to announce that we’ve renamed it to AI & I.

Everything about the show is the same—except it has a new name.

It’s an interview show where I talk to the smartest people in the world about how they use ChatGPT and other AI tools in their daily lives. We go through actionable strategies for using it as a tool to think, write, create, make decisions, and more. The show itself becomes a live exploration between the guest and me. AI always surprises us, and we learn new things about AI, ourselves, and the world as we explore it together.

We’re releasing our first episode under the AI & I banner next week—my conversation with bestselling author Steven Berlin Johnson. Our guests for upcoming episodes include Notion founder Ivan Zhao, writer Packy McCormick, and investor Yohei Nakajima.

This is your invitation to join us for a weekly rendezvous with the future.

Watch the trailer for AI & I on YouTube or Spotify.

Dan Shipper is the cofounder and CEO of Every, where he writes the Chain of Thought column and hosts the podcast AI & I. You can follow him on X at @danshipper and on LinkedIn, and Every on X at @every and on LinkedIn.

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