Happy Sunday!
Another week, another fresh newsletter!
Fadeke Adegbuyi officially joined the collective this week as Lead Writer with the launch of Cybernaut.
“It’s an expedition into all things internet culture, from the idiosyncrasies of social media to the subcultures that exist in less frequented spots on the web,” she wrote in her introductory post. We’re psyched to have her, and we hope you are too.
You don’t want to miss her informative and hilarious deep-dives into internet culture. The next one drops on Wednesday. Make sure to follow Cybernaut:
What We Published
This week’s output: 4 articles + 2 podcasts
Am I getting ripped off writing at Every?
by Evan Armstrong in Napkin Math
When Napkin Math relaunched last week, we might not have imagined it'd only take a week for Evan to get suspicious of his bosses. But, it turns out, no one is safe—although though his investigation into his own Every contract does, in fact, yield promising results. Evan's latest is yet another example of his singularly hilarious voice—and it provides a pretty fascinating look at the inner workings of a writer's collective along the way.
Read (13 minutes)
Doers, Makers, and Manifesters: Talking with Cannaclusive founder Mary Pryor
by Sherrell Dorsey and Annaliese Griffin in Free Radicals
As anyone who likes weed or business or both can probably tell you, cannabis is one of the quickest-growing markets around. But as laws loosen and startups proliferate, people of color are often locked out of opportunities to participate. That's why Mary Pryor founded Cannaclusive, which widens the access to cannabis-based entrepreneurism for people of color. Pryor's unflinching take on an industry that has yet to live up to promises of equity is a crucial one—and makes for a great primer on the many lanes of action that can be taken to even the space out.
Read (17 minutes)
Should I Become an Herb Lady?
by Taylor Majewski in Glassy
Picking up the green baton from Free Radicals, Taylor hones in on another rapidly-expanding corner of the marijuana industry: CBD. Specifically, its wildly effective marketing, which is often directed at women. Why? Balancing personal CBD temptations with clinical studies, Taylor delivers a look at an industry whose fun, soothing branding may be masking some insidious marketing tendencies.
Read (12 minutes)
Will Worrying Make You Better?
by Dan Shipper in Superorganizers
If there's someone writing with more honesty and clarity about stress and anxiety than Dan Shipper right now, we'd love to know. In this dispatch from the world of Worry, he deepens our understanding of the term—and after making the case against worrying, reminds us that, to a degree, it's something we have to do. The trick to making worry work for you, Dan teaches us, has less to do with quitting it altogether than it does with being deliberate about why you're doing it in the first place.
Read (14 minutes)
#17 - When the feeling stops, I'll stop
The Long Conversation with Rachel Jepsen
Evan Armstrong completed his Every welcome lap with a visit to TLC , where he chatted with Rachel, Dan, Nathan and Taylor about his background in missionary work and its benefits for writing to an audience, his relationship to the comments section, and plenty else. Ultimately, this episode gave everyone a chance to reflect on their own journeys surrounding their respective newsletters—so if you'd like to get a smattering of thoughts and feelings about being in a collective, plug in and listen.
Listen (43 minutes)
#73 - Talking anxiety
Talk Therapy with Dan Shipper & Nathan Baschez
Can you really deal with anxiety the way you might a craving? That's the question Dan and Nathan began with this week, before addressing some of the truths and most insidious myths about a state of mind they both have experience with. Can anxiety truly be useful? And when can't it be? Those are just a few of the questions covered in this short, sweet episode—now complete with a full written transcript!
Listen to #73 (14 minutes)
What’s Going On
News you might have caught or missed this week.
- Apple, Spotify and the New Battle Over Who Wins Podcasting
- Turkish Crypto Exchange Goes Bust as Founder Flees Country
- How the Government’s Multibillion-Dollar Plan to Modernize Its Tech Could Go Horribly Wrong
- NASA Mars Helicopter’s Second Flight Is a Success
What We're Reading
Our favorite writing from beyond Every
- People Are Playing a Guessing Game in Google Maps (Wired)
- Appropriate Measures (Real Life)
- The Case for Universal Creative Income (Li Jin & Lila Shroff)
- The Supercreator Interview: Fadeke Adegbuyi (The Supercreator)
Tweet of the Week
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