Introducing the Superorganizers + Divinations Premium Bundle!

Today only: a bundle of your favorite Substack publications for 60% off

Big announcement today: Nathan Baschez and I are launching a Substack bundle.

See, Nathan has an amazing Substack called Divinations, it’s a newsletter on business strategy. (Read more about Divinations below.)

Previously you had to sign up and pay for our newsletters separately. But now you can now access all of Superorganizers and Divinations in one place, and for one low price.

Divinations usually costs $20 / month, and Superorganizers Premium usually costs $15 / month.

But for the next 24 hours you can sign up for our bundle, and get both publications, for a total of $15 / month. That’s a 60% discount! If you sign up after 24 hours the price will go up to $20 / month.

(Want the bundle but can’t afford it for any reason, COVID or otherwise? Reply here and we’ll work something out!)

What’s included in the Superorganizers + Divinations Bundle?

When you sign up for the bundle you’ll get access to all of Superorganizers Premium and Divinations Premium content including:


  • Templates, tips, and explainers to take your productivity to the next level
  • Subscriber-only essays on productivity topics
  • Access to 2 Superorganizers-only software products:

    • Sparkle which helps you keep your file system clean automatically
    • Thinker which helps PMs and growth marketers find patterns in customer data
  • Discounts on software and courses from other productivity wizards. Like this one.
  • Members-only hoodies featuring old productivity software like Lotus Notes.


  • In-depth strategy explainers
  • Bite-sized of-the-moment analysis of relevant companies
  • Paywalled podcast episodes
  • And more!

What is Divinations?

So what is Divinations, and who is Nathan Baschez? Well, you know in A Beautiful Mind when John Nash is writing long and complicated equations on the window?

Nathan is like that about business. He’s a former founder, who turned to business strategy to help him understand why his previous startup didn’t work out. He dove deep into the strategy greats — Porter, Christensen, Helmer — and immersed himself in everything from economics, to psychology, to history. And when he talks about business you can tell; he’s probably the only person who prefers to explain why it’s better to live in the moment by referencing the time value of money.

Now, if all of that sounds complicated, you’re in luck. Because Nathan also has something else: he has the ability to make the complex simple. 

He started with rangy explainers that make dry, complicated business strategy topics compelling and easy to understand — like this explainer on Michael Porter's Five Forces framework.

But he didn't stop there. He did a banger of a post on the four strategies that can explain every successful business on the planet — something that gave me a lot to think about as I tried to break down the business strategy for Superorganizers.

Recently he's turned his attention to analyzing specific companies and their strategies. Like this post on Quibi's launch, or this one on Sonos's competitive advantage (or lack thereof), or most recently a post on Why Roam is Cool (which should be relevant for Superorganizers fans!)

But, perhaps most compellingly, Nathan has also been spending a lot of time explaining this moment. We're all anxiously wondering what COVID-19 is going to do to this economy. And there's no one like him to explain in sparklingly clear language exactly what might happen when the economy holds its breath.

Nathan's been churning out hit after hit over the last few months, and that's why I'm so excited to bring his behind-the-paywall content to the Superorganizers audience.

How the bundle works

Pulling off a bundle on Substack is somewhat clunky, because it’s not technically supported yet. But we’ve hacked together a solution that we’re pretty happy with.

We created a new Substack publication at that has copies of all Divinations and Superorganizers posts. Any time we create a new post, we’ll post a copy of it there.

At the end of each week, we’ll send a digest email to all subscribers of It’ll link to all the posts we published that week. 

Today only get access for 60% off

You can sign up for the bundle on a separate Substack publication below. Right now, the price is $15 / month for the bundle. But don’t wait, because in 24 hours that will go up to $20 / month.

Do you think this is great? Are you not interested? Let me know in the comments. The more feedback I have the more I can make stuff you love.


P.S. We’re looking to add more writers to the bundle! If you’re a writer that is interested in participating, please reach out.

P.P.S I know it’s tough out there. If you want access to the bundle but for any reason, COVID or otherwise, you can’t afford it let me know. I’m happy to find an arrangement that makes it workable for you!

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