This is a presentation and Q&A with Julia Beauchamp, a public speaking coach I recently worked with for an important speaking gig. Her company, Speak to Inspire, specializes in working with entrepreneurs, experts, and leaders who have mastered their craft, but are looking for ways to more effectively communicate their message in a powerful way that moves people to action.
It was a fascinating experience working with a professional on my content structure, persuasion techniques, body language and presence, and of course, salesmanship. I have so many important things to say, but in the past have found that audiences get bored listening to my overly detailed and technical presentations. In September I was invited to speak at a prestigious conference to a foreign audience, and I knew I needed to reshape my message to connect with people’s hearts, instead of just their minds.
With Julia’s coaching, the talk was a tremendous success that has already led to several big opportunities.
I’ve come to believe that far from public speaking becoming obsolete in a digital world, it is now more important than ever. Any big endeavor requires working with others, and working with others requires the ability to stand in a room and deliver a powerful call to action. Whether you are pitching your product, sharing what you’ve learned at a meetup, or presenting to your team, public speaking is a massively leveraged skill.
In this video I share a lot of what I’ve learned, and Julia shares her approach and philosophy in working with “conscious” entrepreneurs and leaders. Including:
- How to organize your thoughts so that they are compelling and clear
- The keys to confident delivery without rambling or oversharing
- The secret to turn a great idea into investment dollars through presentations
Here’s her official bio:
Julia helps entrepreneurs to attract more clients and funding from the stage. She is a WholeSpeak certified public-speaking coach, a Magnetic Speaking Trainer and a certified Big Impact Speaker through Mark Grainger and Shannon Law. She has helped 100’s of entrepreneurs to find their most confident stage presence as well as helping companies like Pixar, Fair Trade USA, SalesForce, EchoUser and Samsung to be powerful communicators. She knows what it takes to captivate a room and have an impact.
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