Betting on Consumer Tech’s Tokenized Future

Gaby Goldberg helps us envision a world where user and platform interests are aligned

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The same story plays out again and again in consumer tech. Starting out, platforms share interests with their creators and users, and they make product and business decisions accordingly. But as platforms scale, interests diverge. Incentives change. Creator empowerment and user experience make way for advertiser appeasement. What’s in the best interest of the platform is no longer good for its creators and users—alienating them in the process.  

If you’re a regular listener of this podcast, you’ve probably already guessed the next question: Can tokens help solve this problem? 

For this episode, we’re joined by Gaby Goldberg to find out. Gaby spends her time investing for The Chernin Group, placing bets on the future of consumer tech. She thinks tokens could enable an innovative consumer tech landscape where user and network incentives are aligned. 

We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did! 

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@tim550550 almost 3 years ago

I’m new here, your written content is amazing, but it’s hard to find time to listen to audios. Are transcripts available?


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