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Introducing Sparkle

Organize your files automatically—with AI

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TLDR: Your subscription to Every just got even better. Today, we’re introducing Sparkle, a Mac app that automatically organizes your Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders—with AI. As a paid Every subscriber, you get access to Sparkle for free as part of your subscription along with our other incubations Spiral and Lex.

You’ll breathe a sigh of relief every time you look at your file system from now on. Watch a video walkthrough, and check it out on Product Hunt

Try Sparkle

Every time I look at my file system I groan. 

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  • Unlimited access to our daily essays by Dan Shipper, Evan Armstrong, and a roster of the best tech writers on the internet
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  • Unlimited software access to Spiral, Sparkle, and Lex

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