Introducing Every

A Writer Collective

Big news: The bundle of Substacks you know as The Everything Bundle is re-launching as a media company called Every!

We wrote an in-depth essay explaining the thinking behind the move, but in case you want a summary here it is:

  • The Everything Bundle is now Every. We started by covering productivity and strategy, and our hope is to cover every industry and job role, every broad theme and niche interest. We’ve picked the name Every as one that reflects that scope. 
  • We’re structured as a writer collective—a new model for a media company. A writer collective is a way to write that’s somewhere between starting a Substack and working for The New York Times. We think it’s the future of digital media. 
  • We’ve moved onto our own homegrown platform. Our business wouldn’t exist without Substack, and we think the world of them, but we’re excited to announce that Every is now run on a platform we built ourselves. We think it will help us make an amazing bundle experience for you over time. (More on what this means for you below.)
  • We’ve raised a pre-seed round from Eric Stromberg at Bedrock and a group of ambitious angels. We’re going to use the money to add more writers to the bundle and make our digital experience even better.

Curious to know more? Read the full essay here.

What this means for you

Nothing is changing—we’re still publishing all of the newsletters you know—and we’re going to be doing a whole lot more of what you love. We’ll be writing better essays, adding more writers, and helping you get more out of the bundle—all for the same price.

Best of all, you don’t have to do any work. All of your account information has been moved off of Substack to our platform automatically. You’ll continue to get emails from us in the same way you’re used to—just from our own platform.

Excited? Here’s some things you should do next: 

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