AI Looks Like a Bubble and More

Everything we published this week

Hello and happy Sunday!

We published five great articles on AI, strategy, and developing a worldview.

We hope you enjoy :)

AI Looks Like a Bubble

Evan Armstrong / Napkin Math

Are we in an AI bubble? It looks like it. Companies are reaping stock price rewards just by calling themselves AI companies, while C3—the first pure-play, wholly AI-focused B2B software company—has been struggling for the past two years.

Evan dives into these dynamics in this week's essay: is there really value in being an AI company? He takes a look at what makes a good AI investment—so you can make sure you're not buying too much 'dumb stuff'.


What Does It Mean to Be Strategic

Dimitri Glazkov

We throw around the 'word' strategy a lot in the business world, but what does it actually mean?

Dimitri Glazkov defines it as the practice of connecting intentions to outcomes and he provides a framework for understanding the practice of doing just that. He then outlines the headwinds we face in developing a "thinking hygiene" of being strategic, and offers advice on how to make it part of your regular practice.


The Endgame for AI-generated Writing

Nathan Baschez / Divinations

The internet may be headed for a dystopian future, where machine-generated content clogs the web and AI-created articles of inaccurate and plagiarized material takes over. But is this the endgame for AI-generated writing?

Nathan believes there's still reason to hope. In this week's Divinations essay he examines two recent developments—BuzzFeed making personalized quizzes with AI and CNET experimenting with SEO-optimized explainer articles—to help make sense of the anxiety over AI-generated text. He then offers his own insights on what could happen next.


Developing a Worldview

Casey Rosengren

We all have a worldview, even if it's implicit rather than articulated. And as a leader, understanding and sharing yours can be incredibly powerful.

In this week's piece, Casey explores the basics of worldviews, and how they can be applied in organizations. He shares the lessons he learned when running his travel startup—and explains how to become a great leader by intentionally sharing meaning with others.


This VC is Slowly Automating His Job

Dan Shipper / Chain of Thought

Yohei Nakajima is a venture capitalist with a unique approach to his job: he's built bots that automate all the mundane, repetitive tasks from his day-to-day.

In this interview, he shares what it's like to use GPT-3 to build AI bots for everyday tasks. Dan explores why these tools are so revolutionary—and what they mean for the future of venture capital, and venture capitalists.


Recommended Reading

Do you know your writing goals?

Former Every Executive Editor (and current Cybernaut editor) Rachel Jepsen is back with a Substack designed to help you be a better writer. In this week's post she outlines why it's important to set goals for your writing—and how you can do it. We highly recommend her if you're looking to improve your writing.


That's all for this week!

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