Domino’s was a cloud kitchen before it was cool

Also, a guest appearance by Justin Gage of Technically


Happy Sunday, everyone!

This week we published 3 new articles totaling ~5,500 words. We’re also publishing a special, previously paywalled, guest appearance from one of our favorite Substackers: Justin Gage!

Justin writes Technically, where he breaks down technical topics in simple, clear language that’s also really fun to read. He covers things like what an API is, or what GitHub is — all things we hear all the time, and might even use in day to day conversation, but feel like we might not understand fully. We’re extremely excited to bring you What’s React?, one of his behind-the-paywall articles, today.



🔮 How Domino’s Stock Returned 4,595%

Cloud kitchens are all the rage these days because of the pandemic. But it turns out one household brand has been following the cloud kitchen playbook since well before it was cool. And the results have been pretty astounding. This is an Adam Keesling post you don't want to miss.

⚡️ Polina Marinova Pays Attention to the Little Things

Polina Marinova is the author of the popular newsletter The Profile. In this interview we document how she writes her newsletter each week, and delve deeply into why she thinks reading profiles are important. The summary: great profiles teach us about people, and understanding people is a great way to understand the world.


⚡️ Week 25

25 weeks ago Dan set a goal to publish one Superorganizers interview per week for 25 week. This is week 25, and the results have been kind of awesome.


💻 What's React?

When developers build apps for the web (and for mobile) they often build them with something called React. It’s a term you’ve probably heard before — but what, exactly, is React? In short, it’s a way for developers to build applications by stitching together smaller components (components are like LEGO bricks) to create a full application. Want to learn the whole story? Justin Gage’s Technically has you covered with this previously paywalled post.


⚡️ How To Run Your Life Inside of Notion

Want to see the most intense and elaborate Notion setup we’ve ever covered? Check out the deep dive we did with Marie Poulin, a Notion Pro, who's built everything from a goals tracker, to a todo list, to a quarterly and weekly planner, to a fully fleshed out content and resource library in her Notion setup.

Related: Get Marie’s Notion templates.

🔮 Dominance Friction

Jesse Beyroutey, partner at IA ventures, has a simple formula for determining whether a company is going to be dominant: a company is most likely to be dominant when it sells a product that is maximally in line with its customer’s best interests. That simple maxim has a number of surprising implications, from how companies should price their products (price should be in line with costs), to how transparent they should be with their customers (as transparent as possible.) Don’t miss this one.


🔮 Why isn’t Quibi working?

Nathan hosted a great discussion on Quibi’s failure to achieve escape velocity. The verdict? Katzenberg’s plan would’ve worked to perfection if it wasn’t for that pesky COVID. Just kidding. One popular take is that Quibi isn’t actually doing terribly on an absolute basis, it’s just not doing well compared to its monstrously inflated expectations.

⚡️ How do you sleep?

Dan hosted a discussion for Superorganizers readers to share their sleep systems. One big favorite? An Oooler thermal cooling system for your bed. There were a ton of good tips shared, though. If you’re thinking about getting a good night’s sleep this one is worth your time.

That’s it for this week! 

What did you think of the format? Do you want more of Justin’s articles in the bundle? Like and comment below to let us know! 

Thanks, and see you next Sunday :)

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